Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Link round-up: the "Can you help my zucchini plant?" edition

I'm getting mixed results from my container garden.  My tomatoes are growing and reddening and the first ones will probably be ready to eat within the week (yay!)  But my zucchini plant, on the other hand, has not grown a single female flower, which means no chance for zucchini to grow.  I know that it's fairly common for there to be only male flowers for the first couple of weeks, but it's been about a month now and still no females.  I'll make the most of it by eating the many tasty male flowers that keep blooming, but does anyone have any advice, or am I just doomed to a zucchini-less plant?
Anyway, on to the links:
  • I've seen this story linked a number of times lately, about a family downsizing their home and selling the proceeds to charity.  Here's FMF's take, When is Enough Enough?
  • I liked Blunt Money's post Of personal legends"When he was a child, that man wanted to travel too. But, he decided first to buy his bakery and put some money aside. When he's an old man, he's going to spend a month in Africa. He never realized that people are capable at anytime of their lives of doing what they dream of."
  • Then there's Dangerous Norms: When a Treat Becomes a Routine Matter, a guest post at Get Rich Slowly that's by Trent of The Simple Dollar.
  • Wondering where all the women are in the personal finance blogosphere?  There's a near-comprehensive list up:  Wise Bread Spotlight: List of Top Personal Finance Blogs by Women

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