There are just a few days left until the deadline to consolidate your student loans. If you're a graduate and haven't consolidated, you should do it now*; if you're in school, especially if you're a rising senior, it may also be a good idea. And since Congress ended the "single-lender rule" last week (as of June 16, 2006)-- which means that now borrowers are free to consolidate with any consolidator they want-- you have a ton of flexibility.
Last week I put on my "financial advisor" hat-- as I tend to do for my family-- and made some recommendations for my sister, class of 2007. Not only does consolidation get you the benefit of a 1.8% lower interest rate (2.4% if you lock in while in school or during your grace period), but a lot of places offer great incentives. Here's a long thread at FatWallet about it. However, a lot of consolidation services give me a really bad feeling; many of them are for-profit, have popped up overnight, have a lot of fine print, etc.
I ended up pointing my sister towards Student Lending Works, which is a non-profit organization connected to the state of Ohio. It gives you an 0.25% interest rate reduction for signing up for automatic payments from your bank account, and a 1.0% interest rate reduction if your first 36 payments. (That's a pretty standard incentive package.) If you're an Ohio resident or go to an Ohio school, it's an even better deal. There are actually a couple other incentive packages they offer, like earning a 3.3% credit off your loan balance after 30 on-time payments.
What will happen for my sister is that her loan will go into repayment, but she'll then qualify for an in-school deferment, so she won't have to pay until she graduates. She will lose the 6-month grace period after graduation, though.
So my sister will have $11,000 in loans consolidated with this service for a payment of about $80 a month. Then she'll have about another $5,000 for her senior year at a higher interest rate. I encouraged her to try to get the smallest payments possible on her consolidation loan, so that she can pay off the higher-interest loan faster.
If you still want to do this, you really have to hurry up... interest rates go up on Saturday, July 1 (and there are some other changes taking place that date), so all the paperwork has to be done by June 30. However, you may still have a chance; the consolidators really want your money, so they'll work hard to help you get it done in time.
*You should do it now if you've been planning to for a while but procrastinating; there are certainly good reasons not to consolidate, especially if you are in a line of work where you could get your loans forgiven, since consolidating can end your eligibility for that.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Hurry up and consolidate your student loans!
Posted by Penny at 6/25/2006 04:32:00 PM
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